COVID-19 Impact Information
Dear Church Family,
One of the great gifts of being a believer is the local body God gives us to fellowship and serve with. For years we have regularly gathered each Lord’s Day with the occasional cancellation due to weather. For 8 weeks we’ve been apart because of the COVID-19 virus. With caution we will begin meeting together again this weekend. This will just be a Sunday morning worship service to begin with. We are not sure at this point when Sunday School and other activities will resume. We will be gathering again Sunday, May 17, at 11:00am but it wont look like our gatherings before. Following are what will be some particular points of difference...
We will be “social distancing” in the sanctuary. We ask for you to please sit with those of your household.
To help with social distancing we will be sitting on every other pew. The pews unavailable for seating will be marked by a sign. Please observe this for the good of your neighbor.
There will be ushers that will be assisting in helping to best utilize the space that we have. Please follow their instructions.
We will not be observing a “fellowship” time. This is where we typically greet each other.
Masks are not required but Stacy and Tiffany will be out front before the service with masks for anyone who would like to wear one during the service.
There will not be a nursery provided. The nursery room, however, will be open for any parents that may need to use it.
We ask that restroom facilities be used by only one person at a time.
We will not be passing the offering plate for the foreseeable future but there will be offering boxes located against the back wall for your convenience. You can drop your offering in and it will be collected after the service. All of the other options, mail-in and online, are still available as well.
The sanctuary and restrooms will be wiped down after each service to ensure your safety.
If you aren’t feeling well - please stay home.
If you don’t feel safe - please stay home.
We know this is very different and we hope these necessary precautions are understood by all. If there is anything we’ve overlooked please forgive us and inform us. If you have questions or concerns please reach out to us. We want to encourage our senior citizens and those in higher risk categories to stay home and continue to receive the services as you have the past 8 weeks. We love you and want you to feel safe and cared for.
Looking forward to worshiping with you soon,
Update - May 15, 2020
In an effort to protect those who are most at risk and in respect to the request of our governor, Oakland Baptist Church has cancelled all services until further notice.
It is our prayer that we will soon again be meeting to worship our Lord together. Until that time please take advantage of the online resources that are available to continue to learn who God is and how we may gladly obey Him. Even during this difficult time our Lord is still sovereign. There is no need to fear. He is near to those who are His. His children can trust Him.
If there is anything the church can do to serve you during this season please reach out to us. Our contact information is at the bottom of the page.
Until we meet again,
"The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace."
Numbers 6:24-26 (ESV)